sell your home

Need To Sell Your Home in a Hurry? Avoid These Home Buyer Deterrents

Why aren’t people making offers on your house? Your price is fair, but despite all the showings, there’s no real interest. You may need to accept that your house has certain dealbreakers, turning potential buyers away.

Luckily for you, these issues are fixable, but recognizing them is the first step. Once you’ve fixed any (or all) of these homebuyer deterrents, you’ll find it easier to sell your home.

Curb Cringe

Curb appeal is the very first impression people get when driving to your house. Take a moment to go out to the front of your house and take a good look at what prospective buyers see.

Toys littering the yard? Cluttered porch? Half-finished projects on the driveway? Maybe the siding is dingy, rotting. Do the windows need a good cleaning?

No matter how great the inside of your house is, if the outside is scaring buyers off, you’ll never be able to sell. Give your home the great first impression it deserves.

Chore List

Unless you’re able to find a buyer exactly like you after you sell your home, the buyer will make changes. Whether it’s remodeling a bathroom or just new wall colors, everyone wants to make a house theirs.

However, while everyone likes personalizing a home to their taste, no one likes a list of chores. If prospective buyers are seeing flood damage, cracked foundation, fallen shingles, or dated wiring, that racks up quite a list of expensive projects.

If your house is in need of repair, you either need to make the fixes or drop the price accordingly. If the cost of repair is more than the house is worth, you may want to look into finding a local group that will buy houses fast.

Something Stinks

Smell is a powerful thing. If your house reflects certain lifestyle choices, like lots of pets or smoking, you will need to remove the resulting smells as best you can.

There are plenty of products out there to help remove the smell of animal urine, but cigarette smoke may prove a little more labor-intensive. Be prepared to remove wallpaper, carpet, and to do some serious scrubbing to get that smoke smell out

Clean Up the Clutter

Is the kitchen sink full of dirty dishes? Is the bathroom counter cluttered and dirty? When was the last time the toilet was cleaned? A dirty home is a huge deterrent for people.

When buyers are on a walkthrough, they try to imagine themselves and their own things there. If all they see is dirt and clutter, it’s an immediate turnoff.

Picture Perfect

If you don’t have pictures with your listing, buyers will assume the worst. If you have a handful of crooked, poorly-lit pictures, people will move on to the next listing.

Of all the tips for selling your home, this one may be the easiest. You can easily take pictures of each room (once you’ve cleaned them, of course) to showcase your house.

All Set to Sell Your Home

Now that you know the top home-buying deterrents and how to fix them, you’re all set to sell your home. It may take some hard work, but selling your home for the price it deserves will be worth it.

For more advice on being a homeowner, check out our Home Improvement archive.